In November 2009, the EU Ministerial declaration on eGovernment will be published at the Malmo conference.
Building on the Public Services 2.0 workshop in Brussels early this year, and at the initiative of David Osimo and Paul Johnston, we are teaming up other partners to crowdsource an Open Declaration on Public Services 2.0 to sit alongside November’s ministerial declaration.

Echoing the Open Government initiatives currently underway at the White House, the process is beginning with an open brainstorming session to identify and evaluate a range of ways in which EU governments can harness the emerging power of the web to transform European public services.
We would love you to participate in this process by adding your suggestions and voting for others here before 15th July.
More details, including the plans for the second collaborative phase and the subsequent public endorsement are available here.
…and, in parallel with the formal process, I’ll be keeping an informal eye on the proposals as they develop via the debate map below:
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