One of the many delights of April’s eDemocracyCamp in Washington, was the chance to meet Sandy Heierbacher, Director and Co-founder of the inspiring National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation.
Among many virtues, Sandy was one of the main enablers of the Public Engagement Principles (PEP) Project—launched in response to Barack Obama’s Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government—with the goal of articulating the fundamental components of quality public engagement (as understood by leading practitioners in the field).

The resulting seven principles—developed collaboratively by, among others, members of the NCDD, IAP2 and the Co-Intelligence Institute—have won widespread praise and endorsement, and as others have noted are applicable across many domains.
In conversation with Sandy at the eDemocracyCamp, we thought that it might be fun to create a representation of the principles as an interactive Debategraph, the result of which is shown below:
…and for anyone around in San Francisco this evening, tonight’s IAP2 Symposium on The Future of Public Participation—which features presentations from Moira Deslandes and Tim Bonnemann, and at which the principles will be discussed—is highly recommended.
Mrs. Christiane Amanpour,
My name is Rico Encinas and I am writing from Seattle WA. and I watch your CNN after work every night and I am a very big fan of your work along with Anderson Cooper. The purpose of this emaail is to ask you to do a story on our planets most dangerous fault-line called Cascadia off the coast of our state of Washington. It is part of the Pacific Plate that shook in Indonesia that deadly day. A month ago a small story broke here in Seattle about some eath quakes on the Cascadia and the media never followed-up. They say at the University of Washington that if our Plate slips it could be the world worst earth quake on record. Please help our Region and the States on the West Coast and see if you and CNN can give us more information before this becomes a story that will match no other. Sleepless in Seattle. Rico Encinas Sepulveda.
Thanks, Rico: I have forwarded your suggestion to the production team.